My Courses

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Available Courses

Is there more than one course? Yes. Is there an order to learning them? Also yes. Need help deciding which course(s) are appropriate for you to start with. Each course lesson has a test you can take to assess your knowledge in the area it teaches. You also don't need to make the purchase to take the test. Just click the Preview.

Absolute Beginner

8 Lessons15 Videos25 topics

Learn how to setup your programming environment and code editor.

CSS Core Essentials

19 Lessons41 Videos74 topics

This is where we start talking about CSS fundamentals, the core things that will set you up for our more advanced courses. We'll also talk a lot about HTML as well.

CSS Layout

This course is still being created

CSS Pro Essentials

This course is still being created

Advanced Layout and Components

This course is still being created